Wedding at Finca Morneta

by Inma del Valle
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta salón azul"


Wedding at Finca Morneta

This June we had a wedding at Finca Morneta. It is one of the best in Mallorca and has been magnificently restored. It has different well separated areas where you can have a wedding in comfort and in the best way.

We recently did an editorial there called BodaViews for the magazine Tu boda en Mallorca. Lucia and Nicolás run the Finca and help with everything and more. We really wanted to have a wedding at Finca Morneta with a bit of normality after everything we have been through.

boda en finca morneta
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta novio elegante"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta novio con su guitarra"

Charming couple

The couple we had at this wedding are called Africa and Cristian. They met a few years ago in Germany during a course as he is German and lived there. After so much time together they finally decided to celebrate a big wedding with all their loved ones. There were going to be about 130 guests, most of them Spanish and 30 guests from Germany.

"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta novio cantante"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta amigos del novio"

They already had a lot of things organised for this wedding at Finca Morneta and one of them, which made me very happy, was that the dj for the wedding was going to be Dj Xema. He is one of the best in Mallorca and with him the party is totally guaranteed.

"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta brindis novio"

Wedding at Finca Morneta

The day of the wedding was sunny and the sky was blue without a cloud. The morning weddings that take place in June are hot. So when organizing them you have to think about it and prepare the different spaces well with good shadows for everyone.

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"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta novia"

First we went to the agritourism where Cristian the groom was staying. When we arrived he came out of his room with a big smile on his face. Then his friends and the German priest who was going to officiate the ceremony came over.

They brought a few beers and a guitar, to our surprise the priest is apparently a singer as well. They all got very animated. Cristian is also a guitar player so he picked it up and gave us a private performance.

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"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta ramo"

We took several photos of them having fun and having a good time getting ready for the beautiful wedding at Finca Morneta that awaited us.

"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta preciosa luz"

Bridal preparations

After finishing with Cristian we went with the car to Finca Morneta. There was Charo from Catering Bon Gust and Carolina who with Yessi runs Blancinegre Events. They were both putting the final touches to everything. If there is something important in a wedding is that everything is perfectly organized and there are no last minute problems.

At this wedding at Finca Morneta there was a great team. I knew I could rest assured because they are amazing professionals and everything was going to go super smoothly. I love working with them, this wedding promised a lot.


"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta madre del novio"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta entrada del novio"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta camino al altar"

After saying hello we went to the bride’s bedroom at Finca Morneta. Africa was totally excited and looking forward to the wedding. She especially wanted to know how Cristian looked and if he was handsome in his wedding suit. We told her that he looked very elegant and that he was really looking forward to seeing her.

"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta novio"

Beautiful bride

She was with her best friend Tati and her uncle who was going to be the best man. All dressed up and ready to go, we started. After the photos in the entrance where there is more space we had something prepared for the bride. For the preparations at this wedding at Finca Morneta there was a place we had planned for Africa. The lower part of the Finca is a beautiful place and the light is amazing. There I was able to take some beautiful pictures of her with her wedding dress.

"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta feliz entrada novia"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta entrada de la novia"

Ceremony at Finca Morneta

After the preparations we went with Cristian the groom who had already arrived and was receiving the guests. They were all very happy and elegant and ready for a great wedding at Finca Morneta.

"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta abrazo"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta abrazo de los novios"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta miradas"

After a while the guests took their places at the ceremony site while drinking some refreshments. Everything was prepared under the beautiful tree that makes a nice shadow. The German parish priest also prepared himself at the altar and the groom made his entrance with his mother.

"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta felices"

Then Africa entered on her uncle’s arm, very excited and beautiful. When they saw each other at the altar, the ceremony began with the parish priest blessing them and a final song with the electric guitar. It was done in Spanish and German translated by Tati, Africa’s best friend. They put on their rings and left happily.

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"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta los anillos"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta sonrisas en la ceremonia"
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Post-wedding and cocktail party

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"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta invitado"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta pamela"

Once the emotional and international ceremony was over we took the bride and groom to take some photos. Luisa did us a special favour and left us the blue room at Finca Morneta.

I had already used the first room during the editorial BodaViews of Tu boda en Mallorca. The rooms are full of history and elegance. All perfectly cared for and decorated in a Mallorcan style.

"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta postboda"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta amor"

The couple were together and relaxed, they enjoyed the moment and when we finished they joined the cocktail party. All the friends and family congratulated the bride and groom on their return and really enjoyed what Catering Bon Gust had prepared.

"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta parroco roquero"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta beso romántico"

Banquet at Finca Morneta

Then everyone went to the beautifully decorated tables and the bride and groom made their entrance dancing. After the heat we had been through sitting down and resting for a while was a good way to recover. Everyone ate and drank and enjoyed some special moments. Cristian’s father and sister made some funny speeches. Also friends of theirs dedicated a few words to them.

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"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta felicitaciones"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta cómico"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta familia"

Cutting the cake

It was time to cut the cake and above all to give the bouquet. Africa had thought of a very original way of giving it. She had prepared it by tying ribbons, each one corresponding to a friend or relative.

With her eyes covered and a pair of scissors she cut them one by one until the last one was left and the bouquet found its owner. Then they did the wedding dance where they also danced with relatives and Dj Xema together with the singer started the party. A conga was organised where everyone participated and it was a lot of fun.


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We say goodbye to the happy bride and groom after this wedding at Finca Morneta. We wish them all the happiness in the world and thank them for having trusted in my work. It is a pleasure to be able to do weddings in Mallorca as beautiful and emotional as this one.

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Conga at Finca Morneta

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"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta beso en baile"
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta "
"ALT"boda en Finca Morneta amigas de la novia"

Wedding at Finca Morneta

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