Wedding at Finca Las Barracas Mallorca

by Inma del Valle
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Wedding at Finca Las Barracas Mallorca.

This wedding at Finca Las Barracas Mallorca takes me back a few years. We had a beautiful Mexican wedding there in 2021 which was amazing. The bride was Mexican and the groom was German, there were even mariachis, dancing, laughter, everything… So I really wanted to repeat in this finca and have an English wedding there this time.

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We were going to work with A White Hot wedding one of the best wedding planners with Annie and Olivia. With them it is guaranteed that everything will be perfect and it will be a beautiful event as it has been. I was really looking forward to this wedding and meeting the bride and groom in person. They are Caro and Henry, a very beautiful and elegant couple who without a doubt were very excited about this great day.

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Photographer in Mallorca

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Getting married? Click here for more information!

We arrived early to this wedding at Finca Las Barracas Mallorca to be able to see everything. It is very beautiful and well kept with lots of plants and flowers as well as many lawns. It is not easy to take care of all this and we were impressed to see it even more beautiful than last time.

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We went to greet the bride who was surrounded by family and friends. She was getting her hair and make-up done by Izzi Gunkel who we love to work with. We went to see the groom who we always start with for 30 min. and then back to the bride. Henry was sitting with his friends in one of the salons having a few beers. We took some photos there but I preferred to take them outside to have more space as there were quite a few of them.

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Wedding photographer Mallorca

They were all very smart in black dinner jackets and looked like something out of a James Bond movie. Henry was relaxed and at ease having a good time with them and it was very easy to get them off well. From there we went with Caro the bride to see how it was going. We organised for her to change in one of the rooms which is spacious and bright. It is always very important to have room for the dress to show well. Also, if there are a lot of bridesmaids and family it is very necessary.

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She looked beautiful with her dress on, helped by her sister who didn’t know she was going to do it and started crying with emotion. Once she was dressed the rest of the bridesmaids came and we opened some cava so they could toast. They were all dressed in green and happy to live this wedding at Finca Las Barracas Mallorca.

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Wedding photographer Finca Las Barracas

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From there we went to the ceremony area which this time was going to be next to the wooden door of the clastra. Olivia had decorated everything in a spectacular way, highlighting the two columns of roses on both sides of the door. The guests who had been at the welcome drink with Henry took their places. The ceremony was actually delayed by half an hour because it was just too hot and too sunny. This is something to bear in mind for weddings in Mallorca as the time of the ceremony is crucial.

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Everyone took their seats and Henry stood at the altar to wait for Caro to make her entrance. In came the bridesmaids and then the spectacular bridesmaid. Henry couldn’t help but get emotional and his eyes misted over. Once the two of them were together the ceremony began and was conducted by a brother.

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Wedding photography in Mallorca

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 There were a couple of readings, they put on their rings and left happily amidst the petals they were showered with. On the way out everyone lined up and congratulated the bride and groom one by one. I took the opportunity to take some photos of the couple in the beautiful ceremony area while the guests were going to the aperitif.

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Then they made their entrance to the cocktail party and were congratulated by everyone again. Now more relaxed they had the good music of Queco. He with his guitar and voice put the flamenco soundtrack to this beautiful wedding at Finca Las Barracas Mallorca. Everyone was enjoying some drinks and tasty snacks from the Tast Out catering. The umbrellas gave them some much needed shade around the pool and the Aperol Spritz came and went. We took a moment to take family photos and pictures of the bridesmaids and groomsmen. And then we moved on to the banquet area.

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English wedding in Mallorca

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Photographer Mallorca

The tables were arranged next to the façade of the main house with the ivy taking up the entire wall. The decoration was beautiful with the tables full of roses of different colours at this wedding at Finca Las Barracas Mallorca. Without a doubt Olivia from A White hot wedding had done a great job.

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They made the entrance with napkins flying and before the Tast Out caterer started the service there was about an hour of speeches. Between the best man, parents, friends and the groom all excited for the occasion it dragged on a bit. When they had finished I grabbed the couple quickly as the sun was going down and took them to the front. That’s where there was a large grassy area and I wanted to take some more couple photos. We finished quickly so they could enjoy the reception.

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English wedding photographer in Mallorca

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Once it was dark and the lights were turned on the Live Music Experience band started their performance. Once the banquet was over everyone joined in with the music and dancing. We said goodbye to the couple and thanked them for everything and wished them all the happiness in the world. It had been a pleasure to host their wedding at Finca Las Barracas Mallorca and we hope to see them again soon….

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Getting married? Click here for more information!

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Wedding at Finca Las Barracas Mallorca

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