by Inma del Valle
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Very important tips for your wedding in Mallorca

Every couple has in mind that dream wedding they want to enjoy to the fullest. As soon as they get engaged and the ring is already on their finger, their imagination starts to run wild about the details. Organizing a wedding well, but well, is one of the most difficult things in this life. It’s like looking for and buying the house of your dreams and making the move, it all seems ideal but… It can be one of the most stressful things in anyone’s life.

As a wedding photographer in Mallorca I have been a faithful witness of many weddings and I have experienced many things. So in this post I want to talk about some important things you don’t know about weddings.

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Weddings in Mallorca

There are several very important issues to address that you may have never thought about. Not everything is about looking for the perfect wedding gown and feeling like Carrie Bradshaw. Let’s go in parts because I want to help you and not mess up your heads, so don’t worry.

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Let’s see, you are looking for the Finca, the hotel or agrotourism, something super mega important. It is the first thing to do always, yes always and also almost two years in advance. It seems crazy but the world of weddings is like that and even more after the pandemic, there is a tremendous boom to get married. It’s like if all couples have decided at the same time and choose Mallorca to do it. So it is not worth spending months looking at websites of beautiful and ideal places imagining getting married there. You have to take action, go, see and talk, then book.

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Wedding Fincas in Mallorca

When you are looking for this perfect venue you have to keep in mind these important things you don’t know about weddings:

First, there are places that include catering if you get married there. This makes everything more economical and you don’t have to look for a separate catering. It all depends on your pocket and what you want to do.

But sometimes you do not know this and it is good that someone warns you. As a wedding photographer in Mallorca I can assure you that the level of these places is excellent. I have been lucky enough to try them and even your cousin from Ireland with that exquisite palate will be happy. There are some of the best caterings in the world on this island and you will always get it right.

The caterers will help you in everything and will only give you advantages.

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Finca with a good plan b in Mallorca

Another important point is to have a good plan B. We are in Mallorca and 90% of the time the weather is wonderful and it doesn’t rain but… You never know and the weather can be capricious, it won’t happen at your wedding but it’s better to be forewarned. Look for them to have a plan B or if not find out about the different tents available for rent. They can be Bedouin, larger, smaller, open on one side or the other, there is variety. This past season we especially had a fully illuminated transparent one for the evening that was a show.

It was so beautiful that even though it didn’t rain it was super nice to have it, it was rented from Tot a Punt rentals.

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"ALT"cosas importantes que no sabeis sobre bodas carpa luces"

Wedding preparations in Mallorca

It is very important that the Finca has a good place where you can make the preparations. It should be a large, bright and spacious room so that you are comfortable. You may want your close friends, bridesmaids or your mother to accompany you and they have to fit in for the photos.

Sometimes there is not enough space and on more than one occasion I have had to move beds out of rooms, move sofas, TVs, cables, refrigerators. You don’t think about these things and you don’t want to have your dad giving you the bouquet in the half meter between the TV and the sofa bed. For sure you’re going to want nice pictures and enjoy every minute of that day.

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The same goes if you want to make the preparations at home or in the house where you grew up. There must be a room with natural light and without all the frames with photos of your communion and the trip to Seville at the end of the school year.

"ALT"cosas importantes que no sabeis sobre bodas preparativos novia"
"ALT"cosas importantes que no sabeis sobre bodas novia preparativos"

Important tips for your wedding in Mallorca

Also, and this is a very important point, you should think very well about the people you want to be there during these preparations. It is going to be a stressful time, as it always is before the ceremony. You are thinking about a thousand things and details, you don’t need your second cousin telling you that her heel broke the evening before.

Parents may have invited a lot of family over for drinks and are running around the house. You sure don’t want them to see you getting ready and putting on your dress beforehand.

"ALT"cosas importantes que no sabeis sobre bodas preparativos"
"ALT"cosas importantes que no sabeis sobre bodas habitación"

It should be something intimate and that you share with those closest to you without them making you dizzy. I have had situations where I have had to put 20 people in a kitchen because they had gone to breakfast at the bride’s house. While she was trying to hide so they wouldn’t see her in her dress. These are important things that you don’t know about weddings. Details that make a lot of difference to make everything perfect and enjoy.

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Wedding photographer in Mallorca

Once the preparations are done, another tip I give you are the displacements. There are couples who find it very nice a year and a half before their wedding day to organize everything in parts. Change in the house in Santa Ponsa, get married in the cathedral of Palma and then make the celebration in a Finca in Pollensa.

It is an exaggerated example but there are people who do it. They do not think that the time it will take them and all the guests to move is precious time. Where they could be enjoying themselves and not on the road.

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Best tips for weddings in Mallorca

I always recommend doing everything in one location. From the preparations to the ceremony and the rest. That means you don’t have to be stressed about rushing from one place to another or about the dress or suit getting wrinkled. Having to get the family from one place to another and trying to coordinate the buses. Or if the best man and grandmother will arrive on time.

It’s better when everything flows and there are wonderful venues with very diverse spaces where you can do everything.

Wedding ceremony in Mallorca

We got to the time of the ceremony and I want to tell you my experience. I have had weddings at 14.00 noon in the middle of July that have been hell. It is crazy to get married in Mallorca at that hour no matter how much you want to take advantage of every minute of the day.

It’s horribly hot and the only thing you get is that you sweat all over and have drips where you don’t want them. We have had weddings where the guests instead of being attentive to the ceremony were all crowded under a tree which was the only shady spot. Everyone wanted the ceremony to be over so they could get a cold beer.

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Hot summer weddings in Mallorca

The sun can cause a lot of harm at weddings. You also have to think about the strategic situation where the couple is going to be located for the ceremony. Half in the shade, half in the sun or with a striped shadow on the head because of a roof with reeds is not a good idea. You don’t want to have stripes in your photos because of this detail. Preparing well where you will sit is fundamental.

"ALT"cosas importantes que no sabeis sobre bodas ceremonia"

An empty meadow with trees and mountains in the distance may look very pretty when you see the finca in November. Deciding to have the ceremony there may seem like a good idea but in summer in Mallorca not so much. Having shade and not the sun blinding you when making your entrance or putting on the rings is avoidable. You should keep in mind these important things you don’t know about weddings.

Wedding photography in Mallorca

On the subject of group photos that I am often asked for. Whenever I meet with my couples I talk about it, it is something important and that many times you don’t know. My photography is very natural and spontaneous but of course there are times when you want to have photos of your family or friends together. Most of the times you tell me that if your mother or grandmother wants these photos because it makes them happy. Of course I understand and I do it, that’s why I always advise you that the best thing to do is to organize it before.

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Group pictures at weddings in Mallorca

The ideal is to have someone who knows both families. This person at a certain time either after the ceremony or during the cocktail, that would already be arranged. Is in charge of bringing them all together. In a moment they all take turns and in 5 minutes I take those pictures. It’s not a matter of being there for an hour and the 150 guests want to take turns. You don’t know which face to put on and your jaw is so tight that you are forced to smile.

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It is the same as the couple’s photos, I will already know your tastes and style. I will have prepared the photos that I will take and the place. Will only take a few minutes where I will take a lot of pictures and you can come back to enjoy everything, which is what it is all about. It’s not a good idea to go with the photographer for an hour and then miss a good part of the day.

Important things you don't know about weddings in Mallorca

That’s why I also like this example when you realize how much time each supplier dedicates to your wedding. Not only the day of the wedding but all the hours before in meetings, phone calls, visits, etc. It is a dedication that I personally like to have to get to know you, to know every detail and that counts so that the result is perfect. Very precious time that you have to know how to give it the importance it has.

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Likewise in my case the big investment in the best equipment of cameras, cards and so on. To have double equipment in case something happens, to have a spare, to have cameras with double card slots and automatic copies. For a photographer it is very important to have everything safe, well thought out and always have a plan B in case something happens.

Wedding lighting in Mallorca

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A very important topic and one to which I dedicate a lot of insistence is lighting. As a wedding photographer in Mallorca for me to be able to use good lighting is essential. I want the photos to be natural and the result to be perfect.

That’s why I always tell my couples that I go with them to see the lighting that they will have at the wedding location. If it’s in the afternoon there will be a time and a place where artificial light must be used. And I’m not talking about putting 4 candles in the center of the tables that looks very nice and romantic but for the camera it’s not enough.

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It is essential to have a few strips of light bulbs where the banquet and especially above the presidential table. It changes a lot when there is a good atmosphere and the light creates it. Sometimes I advise to put some strips of lights behind the table, I have had amazing weddings last year with even like a super nice tunnel of lights.

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Music for weddings in Mallorca

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In all of this, the music should never be considered secondary. Choosing any dj or putting a list of music that sounds just like that is not what you want. With that you only get that people get bored and are looking at the clock to go home to take off their heels and watch a movie. Nowadays to have a great wedding you need great music.

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A good band or music group can make your wedding the wedding of the year. On the island there is a great variety that according to your tastes can succeed. We have for example Cuban music with the group Music weddings events of Juan Antonio Gil, guitar and flamenco with Toni Cruz. Swing music with the Monkey Doo, Rogerio who has music in his blood, any group of Panela Productions that has the best. They will put on a show where not even grandma will stay seated.

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Disco time in Mallorca weddings

Then for the disco a good dj that makes people move and knows what to play will keep you dancing until the wee hours of the morning. That’s why I say that music is one of the most important things you don’t know about weddings.

"ALT"cosas importantes que no sabeis sobre bodas"

Because in the end, and I know this because I experience it every weekend, people will not remember how the napkin was or what color the candles were. People want to have a good time and even if you dedicate a lot of time to each detail I advise you to read everything I tell you. The same goes for the gifts for the guests. Sometimes it is better not to do it if they are things that will be thrown away after two days. They should be something practical that they can use later and remember you that way.

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Useful tips for weddings in Mallorca

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And let me not forget two tips that seem to me of utmost importance. If you are going to have a long cocktail with a lot of food coming and going. Think that the guests will already be quite full when they go to the banquet. Sometimes couples think that the more abundance the better. Then it happens that if they put two main courses, people leave food behind.

That is a shame that is unnecessary but it happens. It would be a super nice gesture if there is food left over to tell the caterer to take it to soup kitchens afterwards. Or maybe someone of you can organize it.

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Wedding flowers in Mallorca

The same happens with the flowers, they are going to spoil and don’t you think it is a good idea to take them to old people’s homes once the wedding is over? Many elderly people would be very happy enjoying them and you will also have done a good deed. I think it is something that sometimes you don’t think about and it doesn’t cost much to do.

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"ALT"boda en finca ca-n'ai catering"

Well I hope I have helped you with all these important things you don’t know about weddings. I’m sure that when it arrives it will be a very special and magical day.

Important things you don't know about weddings

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