Tips about modelling in Mallorca

by Inma del Valle
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Tips about modelling in Mallorca.

I know that the whole world of fashion is very attractive and maybe you want to try your hand at modelling. Or maybe you have a son or daughter who is very cool and you have always been told to take him or her to an agency. It can be a very interesting world seen from the outside and certainly glamorous. With all my experience as a professional photographer in Mallorca I will try to give you some advice. So here are some tips about modelling in Mallorca.


The fashion industry is an ever-changing, fast-moving world. If you want to enter it, it is essential that you understand its main characteristics. Also, know what agencies are looking for when it comes to hiring professional models.

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Professional photographer in Mallorca

What is the fashion industry like?

  1. Trends and seasonality. Fashion changes with every season. Designers and brands present new collections in both spring-summer and autumn-winter. You must be prepared to adapt to different styles and visual concepts.
  2. Diversity of segments. The fashion industry has different sectors: haute couture, ready-to-wear, commercial fashion and alternative fashion. Depending on your profile, you may fit into one or several…
  3. Globalisation. Thanks to digitalisation and social media, fashion is a worldwide phenomenon. International brands are looking for models all over the world, so don’t think you won’t be seen. Many agencies everywhere have connections to markets such as New York, Paris, Milan and London.

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Professional book in Mallorca

Physical and aesthetic demands: The industry has moved towards greater inclusivity and diversity over time. But certain standards of beauty are still predominant, especially in runway and editorial fashion. Things like height, proportions and healthy skin are still highly valued. However, height is not as important in other fields. This is another one of tips about modelling in Mallorca.

Versatility and adaptability : As a model, you must be able to interpret different styles. Agencies and clients will ask you to be able to adapt. From elegant to urban, and work in different formats, such as photography, catwalk and commercials.

Importance of networking:  It is very important to be open and connect with designers, photographers and stylists. This is key to growing in the industry. Many opportunities arise through strategic contacts and recommendations.

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What do modelling agencies look for in you?

Professional book photography in Mallorca

Physical characteristics.
Agencies generally look for models with a certain height, size and proportions, although this varies depending on the type of work, whether it is catwalk, photography, commercials or fitness. However, in recent years, the industry has evolved, offering more opportunities for different types of beauty.

Expression and attitude on stage.
In addition to good looks, it is essential to project confidence and energy. In fact, knowing how to pose, walk the runway and express emotions in photos can make all the difference in a modelling career.

Responsibility and commitment.
Also, being punctual, professional and having a positive attitude is key to standing out. Agencies and clients prefer to work with responsible models who perform their jobs without any hitches. For this reason, this is one of the important tips for modelling in Mallorca.

Adaptability and style changes.
Likewise, it is essential to be versatile and adapt to different styles and projects. This involves trying new looks, make-up and hairstyles, and of course, following the creative director’s vision for each production.

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Photographer for photo book in Mallorca

Social media presence. Today, agencies value your digital presence highly. Instagram and TikTok have become platforms where you can showcase your professional portfolio. You can connect with brands and generate job opportunities.
Fitness and health. Staying fit and healthy is essential. Not only for appearance, but also for the physical stamina you need. There will be long photo shoots, fashion shows and constant travel.

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 Experience and portfolio.
If you want to join an agency, it is key to have a professional portfolio with good quality photos. Also, having participated in photo shoots, campaigns or catwalks can make a big difference when it comes to being chosen. But if you are just starting out, that first photo book will be your best letter of introduction, so it should look as professional as possible.

Communication and positive attitude.
Knowing how to relate to clients, photographers and designers is very important. The good vibes you convey and your willingness to work as a team can open many doors for you. So when it comes to tips about modelling in Mallorca, this is one of the most important.

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Tips about modelling in Mallorca

Tips for standing out in the industry

  • Build a solid image: Take care of your social media presence, have a professional portfolio and develop an attractive personal brand.
  • Be persistent: This is a competitive world and opportunities can be slow in coming. Patience and dedication are important.
  • Constantly train yourself: Taking classes in catwalking, body language and acting can open up new opportunities.
  • Take care of your health: Eat a balanced diet, exercise and get plenty of rest to perform at your best.
  • Network: Attending events, castings and industry activities will help you be visible and generate important contacts.

Do you want a professional book? Click here :

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In summary I can tell you as a professional photographer in Mallorca that success in fashion does not only depend on your appearance. Your attitude, discipline and adaptability are very important. With effort and patience you can stand out and achieve recognition in the modelling industry.

Contact me to get started and have that professional photo book. I will help you about agencies and what steps to follow. Don’t miss the opportunity call me and I’ll be happy to help you.

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Tips about modelling in Mallorca

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