Professional children’s photography book in Mallorca

by Inma del Valle
"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca natasha"

Professional children’s photography book in Mallorca

As a photographer in Mallorca I dedicate myself to different activities in the world of photography. One of them is to make books to children so they can apply to work with modeling agencies. They need a professional children’s photography book in Mallorca well done for this purpose.

Many parents call me asking me about how they should do it. The first thing I always tell them is that since it is usually a minor they should be very careful. I try to direct them on what are the right steps which is very important.

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca salto"

They need to have studio photos with a neutral background and outdoor photos. I tell them that they should bring a suitcase with clothes and then choose the different looks. We usually do three wardrobe changes per session. They should bring some elegant clothes like a shirt for the guys with pants, for the girls some dresses. Then something sporty like jeans with a t-shirt or some shorts and something for the beach. It can be a swimsuit or a beach dress.

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca orilla"

Children's photo session in Mallorca

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca arena playa"

I always try to show in the photos that the child can have different personalities. We must think that the companies that will need their services will try to sell a product. This can be clothes, a toy, an activity, a site ….. The world of advertising is infinite. Lately, after the pandemic, many TV series or movies are also being shot. Everything that could not be done then has its chance now.

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca estudio"

Kids book in Mallorca

In the professional children’s photography book in Mallorca that I present to you today you can see a great example. Her name is Natasha and from the moment she walked through the studio door I knew she was going to be called by all the agencies. She is a lovely girl who loves to move, do things and has a great time.

Everything I told her she did right away without any problem and she gave me even more. In the studio I had a great time with her playing music for her to dance, jump….

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca bolso"

Her mother said that she was born for this, that she wanted to try it out. For Natasha it was like a fun game where she could do a lot of things. She had my full attention and in no time I had all the photos she needed in the studio.

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca feliz"

Photos in studio and outdoors

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca sentada"

We took the car and went to the beach area almost at sunset time. There was a super nice light to enjoy taking pictures of her. She was running along the shore and I was chasing her with my camera. Natasha also loved playing in the sand. Her mother was watching from a distance and enjoyed watching her having such a good time.

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca en el suelo"

Professional photographer in Mallorca

For me it is important that the children enjoy this experience. It is usually the first time they are photographed or get in front of a camera. They don’t know what they are going to find and sometimes they are very shy and closed to everything. As a photographer in Mallorca I enjoy a lot while doing a professional children’s photography book in Mallorca.

Always I try to make them take everything as a game where they can do many things they like. I encourage them to choose the clothes they wear by asking them which is their favorite. Their innocence and sincerity drive me crazy. They are the best when it comes to being able to do many things.

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca playa"

They have a special energy that brings out each one’s personality as time goes by. When you pay attention to what they say, their tastes, their subjects they open up and show their most natural side. You have to know how to make a professional children’s photography book in Mallorca to get the best result. In addition, I adapt to their schedules if for example they have school or are on vacation.

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca juego"

Modeling agencies in Mallorca

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca silla"

At the end of the photo session they always want to come back for more photos or to see Noah. My little dog is always a big hit with all the kids and is often part of the photos. I think most of the children have a picture with her. She is very calm and good, the children who were afraid of dogs before are no longer afraid now.

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca"

Photo session for kids Mallorca

With Natasha everything flowed very well. I had all the photos I needed and many more. The truth is that I was having a great time with her and she was having a great time with me. This job gives me many good things and this is one of them. I kissed her and her mother goodbye and told her I would have the pictures in a week. I help them to contact the agencies I work with in Mallorca, Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona.

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca con Noah"

In no time after her mother sent the pictures she got calls from several agencies who wanted to work with Natasha. I was sure it would happen and I would love to see what she does in the future.

"ALT"book profesional de fotografía infantil en Mallorca corriendo"

Professional children's photography book in Mallorca

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