Pre-wedding photography in Mallorca

by Inma del Valle
1 comment
"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca amor"

Pre-wedding photography in Mallorca.

As a wedding photographer in Mallorca I am lucky enough to have some amazing couples from different countries. One of them is the one I present to you today in this post. Their names are Lucy and Callum from England and they have been together for a year and a half. They contacted me as they were planning to get married next year 2025 and they were looking for a photographer. They were going to come in April and we arranged to do their pre-wedding photography in Mallorca and get to know each other in person.

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca blanco y negro"

Pre-wedding photos in Mallorca

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca tren de soller"

First we met via video call which is always much better than a phone call. I think it’s more natural and personal to see each other face to face, even if it’s with a screen in between. We met one day and when I met them I immediately liked them very much. They are a couple that you can tell they love each other very much and above all they are super nice.

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca bromas"

They told me about all the plans they had for the wedding and I helped them with some advice and suggestions. It was clear to them, which was a joy for me, that they wanted me to be their wedding photographer. They really liked my style and when they choose me because they have analysed everything and I am the chosen one I love it.

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca"

Pre-wedding session in Mallorca

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca jardines botanicos"

They were still not sure which finca they were going to choose in Mallorca. They had several looks on the internet but wanted to come in person to see them. It is not the same to see some pictures on the internet than to go in person to the place where you want to celebrate your big day. Sometimes when you see several you know when you enter if you connect with what you want, you get to feel something special and magical I think.

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca jardines"

That’s why Lucy and Callum had planned to come to Mallorca in April. They wanted to take the opportunity and have their pre-wedding photography in Mallorca with me. I thought it was a great idea and it would be a great reason for us to meet and get to know each other better.

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca diversion"

I told them that the afternoon would be a good time to take advantage of the sunset. They wanted to take some photos in a garden first so we planned the session. First we would go to the botanical gardens of Sóller and then we would go down to the port to continue with the pre-wedding photography in Mallorca.

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca a hombros"

Photographer in Mallorca

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca risas jardines"
"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca risas"

The weather has been very strange these days and we have just had an advance of summer. However, during their visit there have been cloudy and even rainy days. Fortunately, the day we had arranged to meet, even though it was cloudy, it wasn’t raining and it wasn’t cold. Of course, talking to them, this cold has nothing to do with what they have in England. For them this is paradise and what is cold for us is nothing for them.

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca baile en playa"

We arrived at the gate of the gardens and there they were waiting for us, greeting us with hugs and kisses. In person they are even sweeter and nicer, it was a joy to see them. They were dressed very appropriately, Lucy in a flowery dress and he in a linen shirt and trousers. They told us about their planned tour of Fincas and places to visit. No doubt from the beginning for their type of wedding we had told them that they were going to love Son Togores. They were going to see it apart from some others and then they were going to decide. So we started to do the pre-wedding photography in Mallorca surrounded by beautiful plants and trees.

Couple photos in Mallorca

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca difuminado"

At the beginning it is always difficult to get in front of the camera. They would ask me what they should do, but with me it’s easy and fun. I was telling them things to do and they had fun. Besides Callum is a joker, he’s always saying things and he made us all laugh.

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca playa"

We found some orange trees and they told me that they were special because he was going to propose to her in a place where there were some. In the end things went wrong and apparently it was a different way. In the decoration for the wedding Lucy is planning to put oranges above the banquet tables and she showed us photos. It is going to look very nice. They also showed us their dresses and they look spectacular and it is going to be a very elegant wedding.

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca retratos"

Couple's book in Mallorca

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca playa de soller"

We drove to the port of Sóller, which was already full of tourists. It was a very pleasant afternoon and we went to the restaurant Villa Luisa. I had recommended it to her as I like it very much and I know the owner. I asked him for a couple of chairs to use on the beach and two glasses of cava. We went to the beach and there between laughs and jokes we continued with the pre-wedding photography in Mallorca.

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca de pelicula"

I also took advantage of the occasion when the train from Sóller, which is made of wood and very beautiful, came by. I was able to take photos of them with the train passing behind them. The truth is that they made everything very easy for me and it was a lot of fun to do the session. At the end with the sunset in the background we sat down to toast to their wedding, happy to be there. In no time I start the season and it’s going to be amazing, I’ll be uploading photos and making posts for you to see everything.

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca momento"

I thank Lucy and Callum for their trust, they are a lovely couple and I hope to see them again very soon.

"alt"fotografia de preboda en mallorca puesta de sol"

Pre-wedding photography in Mallorca

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1 comment

Irich photography 9 May, 2024 - 2:22 pm

Very good shots


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