I was really looking forward to finally being able to work after the Coronavirus. I got a call to do a men’s fashion editorial for a 20-year-old boy this week. It was to be his parents’ birthday present. At the same time, he was going to use the photos to present them to modeling agencies. When I saw the photos he sent me on my cell phone, I realized right away that he had something special.
Many times you can see through photos the personality and charisma of the person. This boy had a special look and that of course attracted me a lot. I was looking forward to the day when I could meet him in person.

Session in the studio
When he came to the studio his friendly and polite character was the first thing that surprised me. You’d think that there aren’t many kids this age who aren’t like that. It’s very appreciated when you find a 20-year-old who is confident but at the same time humble and polite. Especially for a men’s fashion editorial book.
We started by looking at all the clothes he had brought with him as he could make several wardrobe changes. I first chose an elegant outfit with formal and American pants. It fit him perfectly and the blue tone of the blazer suited him very well with his blue eyes.

As we started the session, he looked a little bit off since it was the first one he had done in his life. It’s very normal to feel strange in front of the camera when you have no experience.
This always happens to me and I solved it quickly by talking to him and trying to get to know him better. As I shot with the camera, we made jokes mostly about his hair. He has longer than normal hair for what is fashionable among boys these days.
It gives a lot of play to a men’s fashion editorial as you can do different things than with short hair. For some poses I put his hair in a good style and for others a bit crazy with the help of hairspray. You could tell he was having a good time and was also more relaxed.

men's fashion editorial
He had brought along some leather jackets and we used them for some more casual photos with messy hair. I also wanted to use a long coat that is mine. He had brought one that reached his waist but was a little wide since it was his father’s.
I had already thought that warm clothes would suit him very well and I asked him to bring one. In the end, mine fit him much better as he was taller than me because he was 1.85cm.
Once I had all the pictures I had planned to take in the studio we left for the outdoor session.
It was a spectacular afternoon with ideal weather and a sun that was slowly setting. The light was beautiful and I wanted to take advantage of it until the last minute for this men’s fashion editorial.

Outdoor session
The place where we went offers the possibility of using many backgrounds. The colors that were between the bushes and the fact that he immediately did everything he was asked to do was perfect.
He was really enjoying this photo shoot. After so much time without being able to work like this it was like a gift for me.
We took advantage of the coat to continue with the theme of winter clothes despite the fact that it is already June. The long coat looked too good on him. If I didn’t have the affection I have for it I would have given it to him, I mentioned it to him and we laughed.

Once we were on the beach and with the swimsuit on, we continued taking cool pictures. The sun was setting more and more and the light on his face was incredible. He has such beautiful features and his blue eyes are very dreamy. I loved the expression on his face that was perfect for fashion catalogues.
I’ve been talking to him about various things, I know that at this age it’s normal to have doubts about what to do with your life. He has started some studies that maybe he will change for others since according to what he told me, he throws more other kind of interests.
But one thing I’m sure of is that if this kid gets into modeling agencies he would have a lot of work. He would be in great demand, and he would do it in a very professional way because he is very polite and disciplined.

As the sun went down, I made him go in the water and play with it. With his wet hair he gave another kind of image that was also interesting for this men’s fashion editorial.
I loved doing this session with him and being able to take so many different pictures enjoying it so much. I wish him a lot of luck in everything he does and I hope we keep in touch.