Men’s editorial

by Inma del Valle
"ALT"men's editorial hat"

Men’s editorial

Life is a continuous surprise, the things it brings you. When you least expect it, it presents you with incredible situations. It is also true that I look for them to happen and I provoke them many times. That also has a lot of “guilt” to say, since I chase things and fight for them. With this men’s editorial, the same thing has happened to me.

"ALT"men's editorial chair"
"ALT"men's editorial"
"ALT"men's editorial dream"


A few days ago I had the idea of creating an artistically enriching men’s editorial. The circumstances to develop my work as a photographer in Mallorca have been very bad the last few months. As we all know we have been confined to our homes without being able to do anything professionally.


For me as a photographer in Mallorca that has been very frustrating because I love this profession. It is a necessity to express myself by photographing emotions and feelings.

"ALT"men's editorial red"
"ALT"men's editorial sitting"
"ALT"men's editorial side"

Artistic creation in Mallorca

From that need to create and make something artistic that would fill me came this idea. I wanted to look for a model that would first transmit to me. If that was possible then I could translate it through my vision into images. I was very clear that I wanted a color model since I am very impressed by all the aesthetics and style that they transmit.


One day, walking down the street, I was struck by this man called Cáramo. We were at a traffic light waiting to cross the street and I saw him in front of me. I didn’t think twice about it. He is very tall and stylish with a face that I fell in love with from the beginning.

"ALT"men's editorial cortain"
"ALT"men's editorial flowers"

When I addressed him he smiled at me in such a way that he had already conquered me completely. I told him who I was and gave him my card to call me. That was the beginning of this beautiful relationship and of today’s men’s editorial.


Two weeks went by and every day I thought he wasn’t going to call me. I was so sorry that he didn’t because I believed in my heart that this guy was special.


Finally one day I suddenly got a call, it was him. He had lost his card and when he found it he called me right away. I couldn’t believe it was him and I was so happy. We met for a coffee and talked. We had to get to know each other and see each other calmly, I was dying to.

editorial moda masculina mallorca
"ALT"men's editorial profile"

Model for men's editorial

It was such a beautiful and magical meeting that I realized how lucky I was. Cáramo was perfect in every way for this men’s editorial, he brought together everything I was looking for. The biggest luck of all is that he’s an artist too. He’s a photographer, a painter and a sculptor. He is a person with a full sensitivity to everything and that moved me a lot.

"ALT"men's editorial with Noah"

He immediately understood the concept that I wanted to capture and told me that he loved my art. He had seen my web pages, the wedding and art pages and was very excited about what I was proposing. He had always had photographers who had asked him to pose and do photo shoots. But until now he had refused for one reason or another.

With me he immediately felt comfortable and was attracted by everything I told him. He accepted without further ado, confident that this men’s editorial and what we were going to do next would be perfect.

I was super happy, I found him to be a spectacular person both on a personal and physical level. He transmits a strength and at the same time a brutal tenderness. I was very inspired by everything he told me about his life. This session would come first because I have plans for him later on. First I wanted to make a professional photo book like this one in the form of a men’s editorial.

"ALT"men's editorial sun"

Fashion magazine editorials

There are times when we see incredible editorials in magazines. Magazines like Vogue don’t just show you the clothes worn by models in pictures. In the end, fashion is a form of expression, of showing how you are with colors and designs. It’s art captured in those fabrics you’re wearing.

We can see in Vogue, in any editorial for men or women, artists of photography who create wonderful stories.

For me they have always been works of art that have inspired me. There are photographers who are true legends and from nothing they create fantastic worlds.

"ALT"men's editorial coat"

I wanted to do something different with Cáramo, a mixture with the nature of Mallorca. To melt it with the colours of summer and the light of sunset. In addition, I wanted to play with a range of fabrics that would help make a contrast with all those elements.

I had already chosen the place and time, I had discovered these locations long ago. The images I wanted to capture with my camera were growing in my mind every day and I was very clear about that. When the day came for the men’s editorial, I would have to take out my camera and capture everything I had in my head.

Men's editorial session

When the day finally came, we had a great time. During the men’s editorial it was a wonder to work with Cáramo . As a person he is an exceptional being who makes you fall in love with his simplicity and personality. It’s nice to meet people with such a good heart and who also understand art. As a model he gives you everything, he does immediately what you ask him to do and more. I loved working with him and I’m sure that the plans I have with him for the future will be spectacular.


"ALT"men's editorial yellow"

I can’t wait to see him succeed and for the big modeling agencies to discover him. I’m sure they will love him and fall in love with him just as I did. We will see him very soon in international magazines making us all dream with his gestures.

I want to thank him for being the way he is, for helping me so much and making it so easy.

I think the final result you can see here is brutal. I wait for your comments, see you soon in another post.

Men's editorial

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