Honeymoon destinations

by Inma del Valle
destinos luna de miel australia

Honeymoon destinations

One of the best parts about getting married is definitely being able to enjoy the honeymoon afterwards. All that time preparing your wedding day can be very stressful. How necessary is to have a few days after relaxing.

Of course all the preparation has a lot of very rewarding things and you have to enjoy them. One of them is planning your honeymoon destination. Those wonderful days you are going to spend together somewhere in the world lost and relaxed.

Well, now is your time and you must make the most of it. There’s no better excuse than a honeymoon to go to that place you’ve been wanting to see so much.

This part of the blog is not going to be the typical “Traveler” magazine or a “Lonely Planet” guide, but we are going to show you in a very personalized way the places we and our couples have visited.

The main help we are going to give you is that when you go to your favourite place you will know :

  • What the hidden places are and how we found them.
  • Where we would stay more days and why.
  • What we have eaten that has melted our palates.
  • Where we would return and where we would not.
  • What are the most romantic places in each destination.
  • How to enjoy the places at the best price.
  • Things that aren’t in the guidebooks, hehe.

New posts

Every week we are going to put in this blog different honeymoon destinations. It will be something very personal from the point of view of a couple who has lived it. Not from the point of view of travel agencies promoting specific sites. These are some of the destinations that have chosen couples that we have been lucky enough to photograph on their wedding day. They are going to leave us their photos so that you can see everything.

I will also show you the places of my own honeymoon destination, in fact our first post will be about Italy and the next one about Mexico.

From my own experience I can tell you that these were incredible and necessary days. The wedding is a tremendous adrenaline rush both the days before and the day of the celebration. Sharing so many emotions with so many people, living so many things in such a short period of time is very strong. You end up happy but exhausted both physically and mentally.

There is nothing better than losing yourself and not knowing anything about work or anyone else for a few days. You will have your chance to hang pictures and stories on instagram of those sites.

It’s time for others to have that healthy envy. Then when you come back you will have time to share all that gossip about the wedding with your friends. Comment on everything that happened and see the photos that will make you relive every moment.

Choose destination

When choosing where to go on your honeymoon destination you have to have certain priorities. For some couples it is important that it is a place where there are beaches.

Maybe because of your work you can’t enjoy them during the summer. Or maybe you live in a city where there is no sea and you are looking forward to going to a coastal area.

One of our couples just left for Australia. When it was winter here they enjoyed the summer there. They told us that they spent many hours on the plane but that it was worth it.

They stayed about a month and traveled almost all over the country. For example, they have jobs that take up all summer, they do not live it and wanted to have this kind of honeymoon destination.

Best restaurants in italyHoneymoon destinations pastabest honeymoon destinations restaurantHoneymoon destination JaponHoneymoon destination toscana

Exotic countries

For other couples it is more important to see places different from everything. The Asian continent offers many honeymoon destinations that make a great impression because they are totally different from what we are used to. In Japan for example the culture shock that awaits you is very big.

The architecture, the customs and the culture cause a great amazement. We are not used to them here in Europe and I think it is a very enriching experience.

Those of you who know me from instagram and follow my trips know that I give a lot of importance to the gastronomic experience, so if you are one of my people you are going to enjoy a lot with this blog.

Another destination different from the ones we find is the United States. Several couples we photographed have chosen Route 66 and others who have had a little more time for their honeymoon have ended up in paradise in the Bahamas.

Thanks to one of the couples who spent almost a month there, we will tell you all the details.

If everything is positive in the honeymoon destinations, the worst thing for most of them is that it is very difficult to return to the daily routine when you come back. In fact, my last flight back from Mexico was drinking tequila to help me deal with the post-return depression…

After being able to enjoy places like this and being disconnected from everything, it is normal to have a little post-holiday depression. But you’ll always have the memory of a romantic superhoneymoon.

So get ready for a series of posts that will help you prepare the best honeymoon destination. For sure you’re gonna have trouble choosing which one.

honeymoon destinations positano

Honeymoon destinations




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