Fashion shoot in Mallorca

by Inma del Valle
"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca vogue"

Fashion shoot in Mallorca

This month of November has brought me many good things and one of them has been this fashion shoot in Mallorca that I present to you today.

One day the mother of this beautiful girl called Ivana called me asking about a photo shoot for her daughter. I was immediately very curious because she was explaining me things about her daughter and everything seemed very interesting to me.

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca bailarina"

The weather in Mallorca has been crazy the last few weeks and it was a bit difficult to coordinate a date when it wasn’t raining. Finally the third week of November we met in a beautiful part of Palma for this fashion shoot in Mallorca.

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca"

First meeting fashion shoot

When I met Ivana in person I found her even more spectacular than in all the photos I had seen of her before. At the age of only 13 she is a girl with an incredible maturity and physique.

Her mother had sent me videos of her as a dancer which she has been practising for several years. The ballet is reflected in her body as she has the body of a ballerina along with a beautiful natural face.

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca agencia de modelo"

Ivana is of Russian origin but has lived in different countries for many years. These experiences have surely been very enriching and have been combined with the great education that her family has given her. It is clear that all this has made her a very polite and friendly girl with a very personal charisma. At the age of 13 she has a tremendous maturity that makes her very different and special.

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca modelo vogue"

Preparations fashion shoot in Mallorca

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca casual"

I knew it was going to be a fashion shoot in Mallorca where I was going to enjoy photographing her. I advised them to use Allison for make-up and hair styling, I have worked with her on many occasions and she is a great professional. They had arranged for her to be ready when we met. She looked stunning with a very natural make-up that enhanced her already beautiful features. The hairstyle was also very natural as she didn’t need anything extra to look perfect.


"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca estudio"

Mallorca in november

They had brought a suitcase full of clothes to create different outfits. I always do three wardrobe changes and for this fashion shoot in Mallorca I wanted to use her skills as a dancer. We coordinated the clothes she was going to wear and headed to the area where I wanted to photograph her.

As it was already November it was cold and we were taking advantage of the evening hours with the sun going down. The light was beautiful and the clouds had created a very dreamy atmosphere.


"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca modelo"

Outdoor session

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca perfil"

This was Ivana’s first fashion shoot in Mallorca and I know it’s not easy at first for anyone to get in front of a camera. We started with a shirt that had very nice feather sleeves that I wanted to take advantage of as it was a bit windy. From the beginning Ivana showed how professional she can be because she listened to me and did everything I asked her to do without questioning anything. Despite the cold weather she tried to do everything perfectly and quickly.


"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca cuerpo entero"

We went from one wardrobe to another and I immediately realised the great potential this girl has as a professional model. She has a natural elegance mixed with movements that ballet has given her. She knew how to move and act as I gave her directions and ideas of how to move and what to do.

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca Vogue magazine"

Magical evening in Mallorca

As the sun went down and the light went away the colours of the sky changed and it was spectacular. There were some reddish pastel tones that with the clouds looked like the perfect natural studio backdrop. As a last costume I made her wear a ballet tutu. Ivana was constantly running to the place where we had left everything to change and she was always ready for anything and everything.

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca cuerpo"
"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca sentada"

The end of the outdoor fashion shoot in Mallorca was spectacular with her running down a catwalk and doing dance poses that enhanced her physique even more. Once I was satisfied with all the photos I had taken I told her that was it and we left happy. There were still the studio photos to be taken, which I also really wanted to do.

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca Elle magazine"

Fashion shoot in studio

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca de frente"

We took the car and came to my studio where we chose the clothes she would wear with a salmon background that suited her very well. Her mother is very detailed and gave her advice at specific moments. At this age it is very important to have supportive and helpful parents. It is a difficult world where especially children must be accompanied at all times. Ivana is very lucky to have such a great mother who supports her and helps her in everything.

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca elle"
"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca in style"

Professional photographer in Mallorca

They are very clear about the great professional future that awaits her and they are taking the right steps such as having this fashion shoot in Mallorca with a professional photographer like me.

The session in the studio was both fun and very productive. Ivana knew perfectly how to use every move and made everything very easy for me. We both had a great time and she was changing clothes for the different poses that the agencies want in a neutral background.

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca piernas"
"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca perfil estudio"

Great future as a model

"ALT"fashion shoot en mallorca elegante"

As you can see from the final result Ivana is already a model with a huge future ahead of her. I am sure that with her maturity and discipline she will achieve everything she sets her mind to. Many modeling agencies and companies in the fashion world will want to hire her and work with her.

For me it has been a pleasure to be able to do her first fashion shoot and for her to make herself known with these photos. I will help her as much as I can to make her way and I am sure that she will always remember this beginning with affection.

Fashion shoot in Mallorca

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