Family photographer in Mallorca

by Inma del Valle
"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca torre"

Family photographer in Mallorca


Thanks to this wonderful profession as a photographer in Mallorca I am lucky to meet a lot of people. A few years ago just before the pandemic I was contacted by a couple who were looking for a photographer for their wedding. Her name is Jadzia and she is of Polish nationality, Toni is from the island, they live in Germany. Now they contacted me as a family photographer in Mallorca.

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca preciosa familia"

They have been married for 3 years and have had a wonderful son named Luis. As Toni is from the island he has all his family here and being this a paradise they decided to get married in Mallorca. For me it was a very special wedding because from the beginning I liked them very much. The wedding took place at the Castillo Hotel Son Vida, which was very appropriate for them because of its elegance. It was a magical and spectacular wedding full of emotional moments.

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca diversión"

Family photography in Mallorca

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca al aire"

Jadzia chose a Jesús Peiró dress and she couldn’t have looked more elegant. She looked like an actress out of a 1960’s Hollywood movie, a modern Grace Kelly. Toni dressed in a tuxedo and they made a wonderful couple. Well, a year ago they had a son who couldn’t be more handsome and funny. They named him Luis and every summer they come to Mallorca to see the family.

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca con las olas"

Family photo shoot in Mallorca

Last year they called me because they wanted me as a family photographer in Mallorca. They wanted to do a family photo session with Luis who was still a baby. It was wonderful to be able to see them again and meet the little one. This year they have come back and wanted to repeat now that he has grown up and is walking and everything. I think it will become a tradition every summer so they have a great memory. When Luis grows up he will see these pictures and I’m sure he will love them, seeing himself as a little boy with his parents.

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca en el agua"

Apart from having married them I was also a wedding photographer in Mallorca for Toni’s brother. He married last year with Clara in a very intimate wedding that I loved. We were able to see them again and the whole family. That’s why I say I’m very lucky because this way I have the opportunity to meet them.

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca jugando"

Family photo session in Mallorca

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca abrazo de madre"

On this occasion, being a family photographer in Mallorca, we met one day in August. They were going to stay a couple of weeks on vacation and we took the opportunity to arrange a date. There is an area that I love on the island where the sun sets on a beach and it is spectacular. We met there an hour before sunset with them.

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca risas"

They came with Luis in their arms all happy. We gave them both a kiss and a hug and Luis immediately became our center of attention. He looks so cute with his long blond hair and that little smile with his teeth that have already grown in. We took Noah and a friend’s puppy with us and he started calling them “wow wow”… He is a very sweet and good boy.

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca padre e hijo"
"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca a hombros"
"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca volando"

I immediately started the session as a family photographer in Mallorca taking advantage of the light. It was a perfect place with no one on the beach where we could be quiet. Besides, I love the confidence that this couple has in me, they are charming. We started on the shore enjoying the sea water. Making Luis feel at ease and playing splashing. His parents grabbing him by the arms and swinging him up and down. I love being a photographer of families in Mallorca, it’s great to see how much fun they have and enjoy with them.

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca saltando"

Fun family photo shoot in Mallorca

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca vacaciones"

Jadzia changed her dress and put on a more Ibizan white one. I made them take Luis on their shoulders, get into the water and have a great time. Then with their swimsuits on they lay on the sand one on top of the other as if making a tower. We put Luis on top and there he was happily slapping his mother on the back. That picture is going to be one of their favorites for the rest of their lives.

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca de la mano"
"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca niño modelo"
"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca corriendo"

I love to be able to freeze such happy moments in time with my photographs. They are unique and very special moments that will never come back, especially when the children are so young. They grow up super fast and one day they are taking a bottle and the next they are learning to ride a bike.

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca puesta de sol"
"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca beso en familia"
"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca amor"
"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca risas con papá"

The sun was setting slowly and there was a brutal orange color. The light was filtering through and it was impressive, it looked like a fake, like in a movie. I took them to an area where there was only a little water and with a very nice reflection. There was no danger of waves or depth so they could be with Luis at ease. So little by little we finished as the sun went down.

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca playa"

It was a pleasure to have done this family photo session with them and I hope to see them again very soon with Luis.

"ALT"fotógrafo de familias en Mallorca contraluz"

Family photographer in Mallorca

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