Destination weddings in Mallorca

by Inma del Valle
"ALT"destination weddings in mallorca kiss"

Destination weddings in Mallorca by Rosa del Valle.


"ALT"destination weddings mallorca"

What are the chances that your better half is a neighbour who has lived in the same block as you since childhood? That can happen once in a million, but you have to be realistic. It’s normal that all the better half you meet in your life will be more than a few metres away from you. In a high percentage, your other self will not be from your own city and sometimes will even be from another country thousands of miles away. This will not prevent you from falling in love and finally deciding to join forever despite any distance.   That’s when a new concept of weddings comes in, which in reality has always existed: Destination Weddings or for those of you who prefer the Spanish term, which may not be so chic, but obviously exists: Bodas Destino.


What happens when a couple decides to get married but each one is from a different city or country? The first question that arises is where do we celebrate it… in your house or in mine? Normally, one of us doesn’t care, while the other is already thinking about the chapel in his/her village where he/she dreamed of getting married as a child. How are you going to break a child’s dream into pieces? It was decided, everyone to the chapel even if my 100 guests have to move, look for a hotel and stay without holidays that year.

This type of wedding, which has been around forever, now has a name: Destination Weddings. Years ago they were something normal and assumed. When everyone was from a city, the wedding was held in the city of the bride. Now, however, as we have seen that this is a growing trend, we have tried to give it another twist. What has really become fashionable is getting married in a place that is neither for you nor for me. Come on, the ideal is to go fuck yourself in a heavenly place with your family and friends… those who can afford it, of course. Places like the Balearic Islands, Mexico, Bali, Cuba or Jamaica have become the perfect options for this type of event, which usually lasts for days.  

You’re home so happy after booking your holiday online. You receive a call from your friend Carolina.

-¡¡¡¡¡I’m getting married!!!!!- You are happy for her because you are a good friend without imagining what is to come.

Destination weddings in Mallorca


-In September it is your turn to pack your bags because we are going to Mallorca for 4 days! -We have planned a destination wedding! -But what does this woman say? Since when does she know English if she didn’t even pass the ESO?

-It’s going to be four days of celebrations in a big way. Prepare a model for the night, for the beach, for the wedding, for the pre-wedding, for the post-wedding, a costume and one for the faralaes just in case. – You are still happy for her, but you are in shock. You barely react with your index finger to press “yes” on the computer to the question of: -Are you sure you want to cancel your holiday?

-How did that happen? -The twitch of your eye betrays you and your boyfriend looks at you with suspicion. Something bad happens.

-We wanted our wedding to be different and as I am from Murcia and he is from Istanbul, we decided on neutral ground. Mallorca is ideal, with its sun, its beaches, its everything…

-Not to put too fine a point on it, but do you think many guests will be able to afford it? -I’m asking without trying to sound like a spoilsport.


-Oh, auntie, that’s precisely why we’ve chosen it, so that you can all come. Our first option was Santorini, but we thought that people would be a bit over budget. We chose Mallorca with all of you in mind.

"ALT"destination weddings in mallorca"

-Look at the detail! -With the same index finger that is still the only part of your body you can still move, you start looking for flights to Mallorca. Your friend keeps talking and all you can think about is hanging up and calling your cousin Laura to lend you all the clothes. -I’m really glad. It’s going to be great. I was thinking of spending 10 days in Italy this summer – you feel the tears running down your cheeks – but that’s it, I’m going back to Mallorca for the third time and in those four days I have time to disconnect a little. I love Majorca more than anything else.

-Sure girl. We are thinking of a different theme for the pre-wedding and another for the post-wedding. If you have any ideas, we accept suggestions. I have made a list with all the activities that can be done. We will not stop for a minute. It’s a pity that right now you have that hippie boyfriend because my wedding would be ideal to get wild as only you know how to do.


-I regret having activated the hands-free system because my fiancé has made a face that… I feel that in the end I’ll go to the event alone. – Have you seen the film Destination Wedding? If you haven’t, you should. It has been an inspiration to me.

-I’m already viewing it, a full-blown gypsy wedding. I’ll think about it, I’ll think about it. -You hang up and your boyfriend shrugs his shoulders and twists his mouth. He doesn’t know whether to comfort you because you don’t stop crying or pick up his four things and leave.

"ALT"destination weddings mallorca lux"

If I were to take a survey right now to find out who wants to be famous or who prefers to live anonymously, 90% would say that they prefer to remain unnoticed. I find it surprising that hardly anyone wants to lose their privacy. Of course, the day comes when you organise your wedding and everyone starts thinking like a celebrity. A wedding in Mauritius or Fiji and everyone starts to think it’s real and within reach of the pockets of all the anonymous people on the planet.

If you don’t have the resources to go to the other side of the planet, but you still don’t want to give up your dream, you can choose to go alone and link the event with your honeymoon. Love does not really need witnesses. That doesn’t stop you from sending 200 invitations and receiving 200 gifts along with an apology because unfortunately, none of your guests belong to that privileged group of people who don’t mind losing their privacy.

There are hundreds of ways to celebrate a wedding and each couple must choose their own. Once in a lifetime…or two…or three…you deserve it.


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