Couple’s photo shoot
We’ve been talking on our blog in the last two posts about how luck is pursued. For this session that I present to you of couple’s photo shoot, several circumstances joined together. First of all, it was incredible to be able to do it. I can say that I really enjoyed doing it. You only have to see the happy faces of the models, we had a great time.

Source of inspiration
For me, this couples’ photo shoot was the result of my effort and that luck was pursued. Thanks to this I was able to meet Emma and Caramo, two extraordinary beings.
They have inspired me first by their individual way of being, drawing my attention each one separately just by looking at them.
Secondly, I have been inspired by the way they have interacted in this couple’s photo shoot.

I believe that all of us have an aura around us that forms according to how we are in this life.
If we live according to a set of personal values we project all that, you can see and feel it. Sometimes just one look from a person can tell you what level of sensitivity or honesty they have.

Photo sessions
When I met Caramo, for example, I realized how sensitive he is and how much it surrounds him. Being an artist, he is capable with his passionate way of speaking of projecting all that he has inside. He has so much to convey artistically that when you talk to him you are flooded with this wonderful desire.
His great passion for art is very contagious and I loved being able to connect with him on that level.
With Emma it was very similar since she has studied Fine Arts and is very open to new experiences. Her way of looking totally excited when I told her about the projects I have with them was great. She understands perfectly the restlessness of wanting to do different things within everything that has already been done.
She just makes it easy and shows a tremendous interest in all my ideas. She loved being able to do this couple’s photo shoot.

I have done individual photo sessions for both of them. You can find his here in the men’s editorial. Hers you can find here in this photo session link. As you can see each one has his own personality and style.
Cultural richness
My idea was to find two people from different backgrounds and bring out the best in each. Then to bring them together and show how two human beings can be so perfect together, putting aside the damned stereotypes they impose on us.
The idea that there is a universal love not only as a couple and that we are all equal is something that excites me. I think I’ve been able to reflect that in this couple’s photo shoot with their help.
In spite of all the politicians who today believe that because they are more radical and extremist they are more powerful and have more value.
All that serves only to isolate them from the reality of an increasingly globalized world.
We must be very visible and fight against those people who do not believe in diversity. All they do is isolate themselves from a wonderful world where so much can be learned.
Children who experience this cultural richness will grow up with more tolerance and love for all the people they meet throughout their lives.

Couple's photo shoot
That day we met in the afternoon right on the same stage where I had taken the pictures of them before.
The sunset there is brutal creating great colors with the evening light.
It was an ideal temperature at that time of the day. It is now the month of July and Mallorca is an oven during the day. We also had a heat wave coming from the south so it was great with the sun already lower.
I immediately chose which clothes I would like them to wear for the first pictures and we started. The truth is that they are two very easy people and everything I proposed them to do was done right away. There was a very good connection and little by little we started to have a lot of fun.

The alpacas in the field were like another protagonist when they were made to climb one of them. It took them a while to do it and they tried to climb several times in this couple’s photo session. They almost fell down and could hardly keep their balance, it was fun to see them as if they were little kids again.
The studio with some fabrics that we had brought with us served as a small stage for some photos. I loved the faces they both made when I asked them to do something different. I’m sure this is going to be the beginning of a great modeling career for both of them. All the agencies are going to raffle them off.
As the sun went down, we finished the couple’s photo shoot and said goodbye.
I thank both of them for being the way they are, in no time you will be able to see a great project I have with them. We are going to do many beautiful things together.