Children’s book agency Mallorca

by Inma del Valle
"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca salto"

Children’s book agency Mallorca

In this children’s book agency Mallorca I had Alanis. She is very tall and above all mature. I immediately loved the way she behaved very respectful and polite. At the same time very smart and every thing I asked her she answered me with very intelligent answers.

I have already told you in many posts that for me the variety of cultures is very enriching. Alanis has a Filipino mother and a Mallorcan father. Physically she has taken after her mother and she is very beautiful and has many qualities.

"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca sonrisa"

Photos in Studio

As soon as she arrived at the studio, we all decided what she was going to wear. I always ask them to bring a suitcase with a variety of clothes. It should include something elegant that looks good and stylish. Apart from something sporty like jeans and a t-shirt or a dress if it’s for girls and they prefer it. Then we combine and see what is best for each moment. Both for the studio and outdoors.

"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca con gafas"

When Alanis finally got in front of the camera in the studio I realized how easy it was going to be. She is very natural and funny and everything I told her to do she did without any difficulty. She told me that she does gymnastics and she started doing positions for me. We agreed that later on the beach she would make me a super jump for this children’s book agency Mallorca.

"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca vogue"
"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca vestido"

While I was taking her pictures I thought it was going to be easy for her to get into modeling agencies. The truth is that there is a lot of competition among them and you have to know which ones to go to.

I always advise mothers where to write and who to work with. When dealing with minors it is a delicate issue and you have to be careful about the contracts. Sometimes without realizing it, the agency asks for exclusivity and you can’t work with anyone else. You have to read everything and be very clear about it. That is why you should always work with qualified and experienced professionals.

"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca"

Professional books in Mallorca

"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca brazos arriba"
"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca colores"
"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca puesta de sol"

The first step is to be sure if the child wants to have a children’s book done. Then the most important thing is to find a professional photographer to do the book. I for example have a lot of experience with children and I know how to talk to them and treat them.

It is almost always the first time they are in front of a camera and it can be very imposing. I like to catch them between positions that I tell them to do naturally, like dancing. Other times while they tell me what they have eaten that day. What they like to do when they have some free time etc…

"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca taburete"
"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca bailando"
"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca estudio"

Many times there are children who have to be told all the time what to do. Especially the younger ones sometimes feel a little shy and close themselves off. So you have to know what to tell them and help them to let go. There are others, however, who are natural, who already have that quality in themselves. That’s why I draw on all my experience depending on the case.

Alanis was totally natural and knew what to do at all times. When you told her to look this way and make a happy face, she did it without any problem. When you told her to go over there and run back she did it in such a way that she gave you more than what you asked for and she was phenomenal.

Outdoor photos

"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca playa"

We were having a great time and I had already gotten all the photos I needed in the studio.

So we went to the beach when the sunset was already beautiful that evening. The sun was orange setting behind the mountains in Mallorca. Her mother was watching us from afar not wanting to interfere at all. Alanis had promised to give me one of those big gymnastic jumps. So she did it with all her heart and it was perfect.

"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca feliz"

I am sure she will be very lucky in this world of children’s fashion. It is a market that is growing a lot and they need all kinds of children for their catalogs or ads. Even many commercials or TV series are constantly looking for new faces. When making this children’s book agency Mallorca I try that each child shows all its possibilities not only pigeonholed in a type.

"ALT"book infantil agencia mallorca silla"

Agencies are looking for children who are chameleonic and adapt to the needs of the different brands. That’s why I try to get them to show their tender side, their funny side, their cool side…

With Alanis I had a lot of fun and so did she. When we hugged goodbye, I wished her all the luck in the world. I know she won’t need it and she will always achieve whatever she sets her mind to. A week later she had her pictures ready and I sent them to her, happy to see the great result. The agencies called her right away and I’m sure she will do very well.

Children's book agency Mallorca

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